InThe StartupbyMaya SayvanovaHow Journalists Write So Much, So Fast (It’s Easy)Steal a trick to write killer first drafts in 20 min.Feb 24, 2024312Feb 24, 2024312
Attila VágóIt’s Cold, Ma, It’s Really Cold — Everything I Learned From Publishing My NovelI know so much more than I did five years ago. This is the story you’ll want to bookmark if you’re looking to write or self-publish…Feb 7, 202425Feb 7, 202425
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InWriters’ BlokkebyAttila VágóThe Case Against Publication-HoppingSome food for thought before you go ahead and ruin your reputation as a writer and content creator.Jan 10, 20227Jan 10, 20227
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InThe Writing CooperativebyJames Taylor ForemanBeing An Average Writer Is More Than EnoughYour actual bottleneck is probably your networkMay 13, 202127May 13, 202127
InDataDrivenInvestorbyU-Ming LeeThe Menswear Industry Has Brilliant Business Lessons for Wannabe Writers. This Is Why.You have more in common with H&M and Uniqlo than you thinkNov 9, 20213Nov 9, 20213
InThe Writing CooperativebyChristine StevensTry To Write Well SometimesIt might improve your performanceOct 27, 20217Oct 27, 20217
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InEverything ShortformbyMelinda CrowPardon me while I pick my jaw up off my desk.Hallelujah, it works! I sold two books today. All I did was pull together several Medium posts into a single doc, inserted section breaks…Oct 1, 20217Oct 1, 20217
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InDataDrivenInvestorbyJames SsekamatteIs Writing On Medium Worth it?Something about the $5 ad-free model seems to be crumbling the entire structureOct 25, 202127Oct 25, 202127
InThe StartupbyAnangsha Alammyan3 Popular Pieces of LinkedIn Advice I Don’t Agree WithAn alternative no-BS strategies that help me average at 15,000+ views per post.Oct 25, 2021Oct 25, 2021
InThe HavenbyChristine StevensI Make Two to Five Thousand Dollars Each Month on MediumHere’s how.Oct 27, 202136Oct 27, 202136
Julie DunhamDear Medium, Am I Doing This Right?Trying to find my happy medium on this platform and my place in the world.Oct 26, 202119Oct 26, 202119